± 1.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, and rated frequency).
However, the accuracy is ± 2.0% FS ± 1 digit for the Vtr line voltage for three-phase, three wire power and the Vrs line voltage for single-phase, three wire power under the same conditions.
± 1.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, and rated frequency).
However, the accuracy is ± 2.0% FS ± 1 digit for the phase-S current for three-phase, three wire power and the phase-N current for single-phase, three wire power under the same conditions.
Active power
Reactive power
± 2.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, rated frequency, and a power factor of 1)
Reactive power formula: Reactive power = v × i × sin θ
“v” is the instantaneous voltage and “i” is the instantaneous current.
θ is the phase difference between the voltage and current.
± 0.3 Hz ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, and rated frequency)
Power factor
± 5.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, rated frequency, and power factor = 0.5 to 1 to 0.5)
Power factor formula: Power factor = Active power/Apparent power
± 5°C two hours after the power is turned ON (after setting the offset to match the ambient environment)
Communications method
RS-485 (two wire half-duplex)
Sync method
Unit number setting
CompoWay/F: 0 to 99, Modbus: 1 to 99
Baud rate
1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbps
Transmission code
CompoWay/F: ASCII, Modbus: Binary
Data length
7, 8 bits
Stop bit length
1, 2 bits
Vertical parity
Even, odd, or none
Maximum transmission distance
500 m
Maximum number of connected Power Monitors
CompoWay/F: 31, Modbus: 99